Jump out of the bed ready to go! Laser hair removal is the fastest, most reliable way to keep those legs looking smooth and sleek. Imagine being able to sleep in longer or being able to enjoy that cup of coffee in the morning instead of spending time in the shower shaving!
Pro Tip: Leave the razor at home when you go on vacation. Have your laser hair removal treatment two weeks before you leave to enjoy smooth, sexy legs during your trip without worrying about shaving!
When we have thicker, coarser hairs this can often leave our legs looking unshaved. Throughout your laser hair removal treatments, your hair will grow in finer, lighter and sparser which will eliminate this problem. After a series of treatments enjoy:
Razors are becoming an ancient artifact and waxing is just pointless. Imagine being able to go weeks to months without having to think about hair removal! After a series of treatments, our patients are able to enjoy long term smooth, stubble free legs.
First the hair is destroyed from underneath the skin, and sheds out completely. Afterwards the pores in the skin close, leaving only smooth sexy skin. This is especially important for women who have darker course leg hair, which is still visible even after shaving. Finally, over time laser leg hair removal is more cost effective than waxing.
Yes! Body Bar Laser Clinics only use dual wavelength lasers so we can safely and effectively treat all skin types. No matter how dark the skin, our Nd:YAG laser can treat your unwanted leg hair without compromising safety or efficacy.